Bible Verse Study: Isaiah 40:28.

“Do you not know? (This is amazing news.)

Have you not heard? (This is life-changing news.)

The Lord is the everlasting God,
(God is eternal; He is the same God today, yesterday and tomorrow, and His promises stand for all time. He knows everything because He has experienced all of history; all of time. We don’t experience time in the same way as Him; He is beyond time.)

the Creator of the ends of the earth. (God made everything; He knows how everything works and where everything goes.‌ He is a creative God who loves what He has made and takes pride in His work. You were created for His purpose; you were formed with care and placed where you are for a reason.)

He will not grow tired or weary, (Our God is Mighty; He is all-powerful. There is no problem too big for Him, and nothing that He cannot do. He is our Rock of Strength and we can depend on Him in all things, at all times.)

and his understanding no one can fathom.” (His ways are above our ways; we cannot always understand why bad things happen and how He will work them for good. This is one of the things I’ve struggled with most in my faith but over and over, He has proven to be faithful. God will work all things for good. One day we’ll see that all along God has been with us, leading us along the best path. But blessed are those who do not see and still believe; let us be counted in that number; we pray for faith.)

“Do you not know?‌
Have you not heard?‌
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
And His understanding no one can fathom.”
----- Isaiah 40:28.


this step enough. Theme by STS.