Thoughts on suffering.

Photo by Nagesh Badu on Unsplash

A lot of people struggle to reconcile the idea of a loving God with a God who allows suffering.

As Christians, I think it is paramount that we make it very clear that we do not nullify or downplay suffering. We do not deny that there is so much pain and hurt and wrongness in this world. Our faith does not call us to say it’s not so.

Suffering is at the heart of what we believe because if it weren’t for sin and the pain that it wreaks, Jesus wouldn’t have needed to die to save us.

We do not deny suffering. We cry with those who cry.

Suffering does not disprove God, if anything suffering points out that we know in our hearts that there is a better way to life. Suffering reveals our yearning for the perfect peace of God.

This world is broken. It is not what it is meant to be. We long for the perfect world, the new heaven and earth when restoration will be complete and there will finally be justice.


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