The Missing Moral Compass: A Poem.

We are a world missing its moral compass.
We don’t know which way to turn.
A thousand choices lie before us,
But we don’t know how to discern.

‘Just be yourself,’ the anthem rings,
But no one believes this wholly true.
In practice: treat others with respect,
And use this standard in all you do.

Boundary lines should be considered,
Your freedom ends where it touches mine.
But another problem now arises,
For who decides these lines?

And now the absence truly shows,
As chaos soon ensues.
Myriad voices define myriad standards,
‘Morality is as you choose.’

But who can decide which weighs more?
Who has eyes clear to see?
Which right is more important;
That to life or autonomy of the body?

I’d like to think us selfless,
But I just know it isn’t so.
We cannot build morality;
Our compassion is too low.

Morality should be objective,
Not decided when the time arrives.
Morality should be the foundation stone
On which we build our lives.

We’ve strayed so far down our own paths,
Taken the broad, well-trodden roads.
Like flippant children who act on whim,
Masquerading as social justice heroes.

I have the answer; you might not like it,
It’s been evaded by many through time.
There is only one true compass; the eternal Rock;
God Almighty; the great I AM.

He alone can set the standard,
For morality cannot change.
He decides what’s right and wrong;
That’s not our duty to arrange.

The missing compass of today
Is twisting us in knots.
Contradiction and hypocrisy;
Confused and muddled thoughts.

Our choices are decided,
Based on how we feel.
But there are others in this world;
We’re just one part of the wheel.

Return to God; He knows best,
He does not change from day to day.
His ways are fair, and He is just,
We can trust Him come what may.


this step enough. Theme by STS.