To the strangers in my life.

Dear stranger,

This is a weird time, isn’t it?‌ Grocery shopping now requires battle tactics. The evening news is fraught with terrifying numbers. Many of us know every corner of our homes very well by now. The normal course of things at this time of year -‌ ‌Easter gatherings, school graduations and summer plans - are gone.

Dear stranger, certainty has disappeared from our world. Plans disintegrate, control is wrested from us. Mistrust creeps in, taking the form of conspiracy theories and a lack of transparency from governments. Dear stranger, why are we turning against each other now, when we most need to work together‌?‌ We don’t know what’s going to happen next; surely it’s best to step forward with others by our side?

Dear stranger, there’s so much hurt happening in the world right now. It’s overwhelming and any effort I make to try to remedy it seems pathetic. There are people who have lost loved ones, people drowning to death from the fluid in their own lungs. There are people scared out of their mind, who fear stepping out of their front door. There are people who fear, everyday, what they will face in their own homes. There are people giving up their lives to try to help the ill and dying. There are people living in migrant camps, in slums and in shantytowns, facing unthinkable fears.

Dear stranger, where do we find hope in this fear?‌

Dear stranger, I lift up my eyes. My hope is in the Lord who drives out fear with perfect love. I cling to His promises; He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Dear stranger, in this world of chaos, fear, hurt and suffering, I hope that you can find peace.

Go dtí go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís.
(Until we meet again).


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